fernando schapochnik︎
fernando schapochnik︎

concrete frameworks

digital colour
series of 67 photographs, 42 x 29.7 cm

This series is part of the research developed together with Martin Huberman & El Estudio Normal for the project The Phantom Limb, documenting construction sites in and around Buenos Aires temporarily appropriated by ephemeral architectures, better known as concrete frameworks.

The Phantom Limb was a site specific installation for République Géniale, exhibition at the Kunst Museum Bern from August 17 to November 11, 2018 curated by Valerian Maly, Paula Sansano and company.

concrete frameworks

digital colour
series of 67 photographs, 42 x 29.7 cm

This series is part of the research developed together with Martin Huberman & El Estudio Normal for the project The Phantom Limb, documenting construction sites in and around Buenos Aires temporarily appropriated by ephemeral architectures, better known as concrete frameworks.

The Phantom Limb was a site specific installation for République Géniale, exhibition at the Kunst Museum Bern from August 17 to November 11, 2018 curated by Valerian Maly, Paula Sansano and company.

pájaro loco & fernando schapochnik 2023 / all rights reserved and copyrighted